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About Me

Hi there!


I'm Brooke, and I am the face, soul and heart of 

simply  W H I T E  photography.


I live with my three busy boys +  my husband (aren't they just the cutest!)

in the small Snowy Mountains town of NSW called Tumbarumba.


For me, my love of photography began years before I knew it really existed.

I was the annoying little sister who would beg (and sometimes bribe)

her sisters and friends to take photos of them.

Often 'styling' the shoot with nice clothes, pets, props - you name it - i did it. 

I was always behind the camera - and rarely (when I couldn't avoid it) in the frame myself.


This was my happy place. I was relaxed. I was  at peace - and I LOVED it!


I followed this passion into High School, studying Photography along with Arts.

It was amazing! I could be adventurous and it never felt like work.


For many years after finishing school however, I followed my other passion -

working with + shaping the minds of young children.


This passion took me to many wonderful places and opened opportunities for me at all of them. But the void was still there. I still felt like I was missing - well - ME!


In 2016 I took the plunge and purchased my very first DSLR - a Nikon D3100. 

I slowly built on my lens collections - and eventually my equipment and props too.


I shot portraits for my friends, my family - anyone who would let me.

I loved it again! I found that passion that I had hidden away. 

This was the 'ME' i'd been searching for.


In 2018, I began studying my Bachelor of Creative Arts + Design

(Photography Major / Graphic Design Minor)

A BIG step - but in the perfectly right direction!!

Again - it's amazing, and never feels like work.


So here we are!

I'm a 30-something Mother, Wife, Daughter, Student, Volunteer - PHOTOGRAPHER!

And I'm having the time of my life!


For me, it's not about 'just taking a picture' - it's 'telling a story'.


This is where my name came from

~ simply  W H I T E photography ~


It's about, capturing the simple moments that make the best memories -

and looking back, will help you tell a story you'll remember forever.


So, thank you for stopping by - and I welcome you on my photography journey.

Experiencing life through the lens.



Contact Me

PO Box 8

Tumbarumba NSW 2653



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